Fender Amp Jacks

Genuine Fender Jacks For Fender Amp, Input Jack, Headphone Jack, Speaker Jack,

Fender Amplifier Reverb Cable Set


Fender Amplifier Reverb Cable Set

Fender Reverb Cable Set

Set of 2 cables.

Similar to 60's styls cables w rca

Large are used on taller amps like the Super Reverb. Medium are used on Twin and Pro Reverb sized amps.
Short ones will work on the Deluxe and Princeton Reverb.


Fender Amplifier Reverb Cable Set
Price: $30.00

British Style Amplifier Jacks


British Style Mono and Stereo, Input, Output Amplifier Jack

Mounted with black plastic nut.

BJ101 has the vintage style chrome nut which screws INTO the opening.

  1. BJ101 Mono Solder Lugs Chrome Nut Old Style

  2. BJ102 Mono Solder Lugs

  3. BJ103 Mono PC Mount

  4. BJ104 Stereo PC Mount

British Style Amplifier Jacks
Price: $4.00
